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Healthy conflict can improve your relationship: Here's how


Conflicts are natural in any relationship. Contrary to popular beliefs, conflicts help in developing better understanding in a relationship. It helps us to know the partner and their perspective better. However, the problem lies in not addressing the conflicts in a healthy manner. When we keep on piling up unaddressed conflicts, they can add to frustration and resentment. “Conflict doesn’t have to be bad. Conflict can actually bring you closer, help you understand one another more deeply and strengthen the relationship. This is why it's important to learn to manage conflict constructively,” wrote Therapist Lucille Shackleton.(Unsplash)

Improved communication: Healthy conflicts help us to open up more to the partner. This fosters healthy and honest communication. (Unsplash)

Becoming aware of our wounds: Conflicts help us to seek the underlying issues and delve deeper. This helps us to know our own triggers and wounds. (Unsplash)

Strengthens the bond: When we walk through a conflict together, we emerge as better and stronger partners. This helps with better emotional bonds. (Unsplash)

Expressing our concerns, emotions and needs can make a relationship suffer. It backfires more when we are not able to address conflicts in a healthy manner. (Unsplash)

When we do not address the conflicts in the relationship for a long time, it can accumulate and slowly grow into resentment and frustration. "Resentments left unchecked tend to build, escalate, and spiral out of control. They become a wall that creates distance, which often feels safer than addressing the issue head-on. As resentments accumulate, so does the pain, making it challenging to empathise and offer kindness," wrote Therapist Jordan Green. Here are a few reasons that can lead to resentment in a relationship.(Unsplash)

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Jack Won
